ANSU68  Mijn gastenboek (255) Gastenboek tekenen

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12 years ago
12 years ago
ok gud 9t big bro. sweet dreamz....
12 years ago

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12 years ago
QuTe sAcRiFiCe fOr lOvE: "A YoUnG BoY TaLkInG To a gHoSt.. .bOy: WhY DiD YoU DiE … ? ? gHoSt: I WaS HiT By a cAr tRyInG To sAvE SoMeOnE. BoY: wHy? gHoSt: BeCaUsE I DoN’T WaNt hEr tO GeT HuRt. bOy: YoU ReAlLy lOvE HeR A LoT BeCaUsE YoU’Ve sAcRiFiCeD YoUr 0Wn lIfE JuSt FoR HeR. mAy bE ShE’S SaD NoW, bEcAuSe 0F YoUr dEaTh. gHoSt: No. ShE’S VeRy hApPy bEcAuSe tHe 0Ne tHaT I SaVeD Is tHe mAn wHoM ShE LoVeS. . .''WisHiNg LoVeLy WeEkEnd WiTh TrUe LoVe...
12 years ago
The one who holds ur hand every time surely a gud frd.Bt a best frd is the one who holds ur hand more tightly, when u say leave me alone.......
12 years ago
Hello big bro.. sry 4 the late reply. well...gud nyte..nd sweet dreamz ...ZZZZ..
12 years ago


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12 years ago
9 InTeReStInG CoNfUsIoNs 1. CaN U CrY UnDeR WaTeR? 2. dO FiShEs eVeR GeT ThIrStY? 3. wHy dNt bIrDs fAlL Of tReEs wHeN tHeY SlEeP? 4. wHy iS It cAlLd bUiLdNg wHeN It iS aLrEaDy bUiLt? 5. WhEn tHeY SaY DoGs fOoD Is NeW N ImPrOvD, wHo tAsTeS It? 6. If mOnEy dOeSn’t gRoW On tReEs DeN WhY Do bAnKs hAvE BrAnChEs? 7. WhY DoEs rOuNd pIzZa cOmE In a SqUaRe bOx? 8. WhY DoEsN’T GlUe sTiCk 2 iTs bOtTLe? 9. wHy “I LoVe yOu” Is nOt a qUeStIoN... HaVe fUnNy fRiDaY WiT LoTs oF SmiLE...what">" border="0"/>what a dance i am afraid...i`m going......keep smiling...
12 years ago
good before noon ansul..
12 years ago
12 years ago
GuD nyt brO...
12 years ago
Gud Nyte..sweet dreamz..
12 years ago
Hi big bro...gud evening...happy dusshra....t.c nd hav a nice tym and enjoy dusshra...
12 years ago
Some times in life we think we dont need anyone. bt some times dont hav any 1 when we need so dont let ur best buddies go ever.
12 years ago

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12 years ago
ownskin aan nu dil nei krda ya koi dil lae gayea ae?
12 years ago
btw, nice feeling photo.
12 years ago
ha wo te mainu b pta hai k tuss ithe ho bt bhoot waangu kithe gayab ho jande ho kde kde?
12 years ago
hor ki haal ae? Kidar rounde ho?
12 years ago
WhY Do bOyS NeEd a fRiEnD WhO Is a gIrL ??? bEcAuSe: -ShE WiLl nEvEr lEaVe u aLoNe wHeN U ArE SaD… -sHe wIlL SeE To iT ThAt u dO Ur wOrKs oN TiMe… -ShE WiLl mAkE SuRe u dOn’t sKiP MeAlS To pLaY MaTcHeS & Do wOrK… -sHe wIlL AsK U To lEaVe uR BaD HaBiTs eVeRyDaY, eVeRy tImE… -sHe wIlL FiGhT WiTh u oN SmAlL MaTtErS, bT WoN’T KeEp d aNgEr fOr lOnG… -sHe wIlL MaKe yOu mOnEy-wIsE… -sHe wIlL SaY: dOn’t w0rRy, EvEn iF ThErE’S LoT To wOrRy oR NoThInG To wOrRy... -sHe wIlL MaKe yOu pUnCtUaL… -sHe wIlL HeLp yOu rEsTrAiN Ur aNgEr… -ShE WiLl tAlK To u 15 TiMeS A DaY To kNoW WhAt u’rE DoInG… U MiGhT FeEl bUgGeD At tImEs, Bt tRuTh iS ThAt yOu cAn’t dO AnYtHiNg wItHoUt hEr… As gIrLs aRe sPeCiAl gIfT Of gOd fOr bOyS… So... rEaLiZe tHeIr wOrTh aNd tAkE CaRe 0F ThEm… dEdIcAtEd tO AlL GiRlS AnD BoYs wHo sHaRe tHe lOvE AnD FrIeNdShIp…!!
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