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12 years ago
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My respected Brothers and Sisters in Islam,
All praise and thanks are due to Allah(S.W.A.)
and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammed(S.A.W.)
Jummah Mubarak to you and your Families.Oh Allah,most gracious,most merciful,forgive my sins.
Oh Allah,I am shameful of my sins.
Oh Allah,forgive my sins,
which I have committed knowingly and unintentionally.
Oh Allah,forgive me for falling prey to the whims of shaytaan the rejected one.
Oh Allah,protect me from shaytaan
Oh Allah,my Brothers/Sisters who have been led astray,
Grant them Hidayat. Aameen
Oh Allah,make all Muslims pious
and grant us success in this world and in the hereafter
Oh Allah,today we raise our hands to ask for your help,
for indeed you are the Most Helpful
Oh Allah,you are Most Merciful,the Most Great
Oh Allah,All praises are for you Oh Allah.Oh Allah,you are the Greatest.
Oh Allah,I love you.Oh Allah,I need you.Oh Allah,save the brothers/sisters in Syria,Palestine,
Oh Allah,give good health to those who are sick.
Oh Allah,give strength to those who are weak.
Oh Allah,let us die Wealthy, with Iman
Oh Allah,unite those who have been separated.
Oh Allah,let our enemies become our brothers in Islam.
Oh Allah,grant those of them peace in their graves.
Oh Allah,calm their souls and give them high stages in Jannah.
Oh Allah,grant us the high places in Jannah.
Oh Allah,keep our legs firm when crossing the Pul -se-raat.
Oh Allah,give us our book of deeds in our right hand.
Oh Allah,give us the strength and will to let this book be overflowing
Oh Allah,accept this humble duah of ours..
Oh Allah,Set me Free, Set me free from the love of this world
Oh Allah,I love you and I want to love only you Oh Allah.
Soobe haana Rabbika Rabbil Izzati Ammaa Yasefoon,
Wasalaamun Alal Mursaleen, Walhamdu Lillaahi Rabbil Aalameen.
Please Remember us in your Duahs.vv
12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Take care dear & Fati

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12 years ago

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Have a nice day my friend

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Take care & Fati

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Have a nice Thursday

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Take care dear & Fati

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12 years ago
12 years ago

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Take care & Fati

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

Assalamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu

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glitter text generator

12 years ago

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Good morning dear

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Have a nice day

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Take care & Fati

12 years ago

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Good night,sweet dreams dear

Take care & Fati

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12 years ago
4 دقيقةكلام جميل 100%
لا تتضايق إذا وجدت في حياتك بعض التقلبات.. هذا أمر صحي.. لأن حياتك مثل رسم تخطيط القلب.. إذا كان على خط واحد فهذا يعني أنك ميت
star Pictures, Images and Photosإذا لم تعرف عنوان رزقك.. فلا تخف.. لأن رزقك يعرف عنوانك.. فإذا لم تصل إليه.. فهو حتما سيصل إليك
star Pictures, Images and Photosإذا قابلنا الإساءة بالإساءة.. فمتى ستنتهي الإساءة؟!
قال تعالى: "فمن عفا وأصلح فأجره على الله"star Pictures, Images and Photos
عندما نتأخر عن الدوام ندخل برأس منكوس وكلام مهموس حياء من المدير.. فهل نشعر بنفس هذا الشعور عندما نتأخر في الصلاة ونقف بين يدي الله؟!
star Pictures, Images and Photos
لاتحسد أحدا بنعمة فأنت لاتعلم ماذا أخذ الله منه.. ولاتحزن بمصيبة فأنت لاتعلم ماذا سيعطيك الله عليها "إنما يوفى الصابرون أجرهم بغيرحساب"
star Pictures, Images and Photos
مركز تحميل الصور‏​
12 years ago

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Take care...& Fati

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12 years ago

ان تكون في اقصى حالات الاحتياج ..

وتبكيَ ب صمت لكيَ لا يشعر بك من / تحتاجه !

والاكثر الماً
ان تجرح نفسكَ بَ ضحكات وهمية ,
...وتقول انكَ ( بخَير )ـ

في الوقتَ الذيَ لا تشعرَ فيه بأي معنىَ للخَيرَ !

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