'yOuR LiViNg iS DeTeRmInEd nOt sO MuCh bY WhAt lIfE BrInGs tO YoU As bY ThE AtTiTuDe yOu bRiNg tO LiFe; NoT So mUcH By wHaT HaPpEnS To yOu aS By tHe wAy yOuR MiNd lOoKs aT WhAt hApPeNs...' - pEaCeFuL NiGhT To mY DeAr...
Hey..no..no..no..no.no..no no..no..no....miz never.. Never try to copy us!! And only you and your awful miz can say your dialouges but you still don't have copy right on that word..... Just go to sleep.. Bu'bye!!
am John cena... And john cena never give-up.... Mizery ever give-up.. Go..go..just go to sleep and have a great dream.... Okkie...byee and take care..... We will tomorrow.. In the same place.. See ya....
hey...mizy am not copy cat...okkie.. And yeah I like alberto but not miz.. Because he is awful just like you!! And "REALLY"the word is not miz's creation or discovery okkie... He don't have copy right on the word"really"... So don't forget that!!
awful mizery... He is not my uncle... he is my hero..my angel so don't say anything about him...like this and i want to see him save because am his fan..but of course you already knew that..!!